CLD 24
17-18 October 2024, St. Petersburg, State Hermitage/ Gallery «Zibergauz» - space of digital art on the island of New Holland/ Academy them. A. L. Stieglitz


VI International “Lighting design” forum is:

A unified space for discussing current tasks and challenges of the future

An open discussion platform for government, business, science and art representatives

Unique and intense program

State-of-the-art research and practice of implemented projects
international participants
speakers from all over the world
tracks: City, Interiors, Culture, Education
spaces, 17 sections (discussions, lectures, workshops, etc.)

  • ITMO University
    National Research University, the leading university in Russia in the field of information and photonic technologies. One of the leaders of the global and national academic community.

  • State Hermitage
    One of the largest encyclopedic museums in the world, the collection of which includes over three million monuments of culture and art of the nations of the world from ancient times to the present day.

  • RULD
    Professional community of leading lighting designers. They develop the international design and research educational program of the master's program "Light Design" among higher educational institutions of Russia.


  • Stieglitz Academy
    One of the most authoritative Russian universities in the field of art and design. About 1,500 students and graduate students study at the Academy, there are 2 faculties and 14 graduating departments of various profiles - from artistic metalworking to industrial design.
  • Gallery «Tsifergaus»
    Gallery «Tsifergaus» - the space of digital art on the island of New Holland in the very center of Saint Petersburg.

Candidate of Architecture, leading Russian expert in the field of design and modernization of the light environment of cities and unique architectural and spatial objects.
He is a member of the creative association of light designers RULD.

General Director of Light Design Bureau «Culture of Light»

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Nervous Diseases IPO FGAU V First MSMU them. I.M. Sechenova Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenovsky University)
Light designer and founder of Yarko-Yarko lighting design studio
Development Director at INTILED

Project Development Director at INTILED
Head of Sales INTILED

Head of Lighting Design Department INTILED

Director General, producer of the festival Digital Opera

Interior designer

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, associate professor of the Department of Psychological Support of Professional Activity of the Faculty of Psychology of SPbSU, expert in the field of psychology of professional health and well-being
Managing partner of UNK lighting. Architect, light designer, graduated from the University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom, an expert in light environment, architectural and landscape lighting.

Founder and Creative Director of the Pitch Bureau

Founder of the Bureau of Light Design is.light, full-time lighting designer of the Museum of Moscow.

Playwright, art historian, author of texts for the medals of dramatic and choreographic productions.

Curator of the exhibition "The Cauldron of the Alchemist. Tactile Vision and Uncritical Perception", Head of the Department of Interdisciplinary Projects of the GMII. A.S. Pushkin, founder of the project "Accessible Museum" (2016)
Curator, art historian, producer. Head of the Exhibition Department, Polytechnic Museum

General Director of the Russian scientific and production company «CERS»

Development Director of the Group of Companies «CERS»

Sales Director of the group of companies «CERS»

Director of Science of LLC «Light Technologies»

Director and partner of UNK interiors

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Doctor of biological sciences. Honored Professor of Moscow State University
Кандидат биологических наук МГУ.

Head of Architectural Bureau ZARYA Development

Art-Director of Light Design Bureau «Bright-Bright»

Head of the Department of the event and PR «Cluster SmartDesign» SPbGUPTD

Head of Creative Department and Partner of VOX Architects Studio

Light designer, candidate of architecture, author of educational project «Light Laboratory», associate professor of Moscow Architectural Institute (Moscow Architectural Institute)

Head of the Department «Multimedia Center of the Russian Museum»

General Director of «SAROS-Light M» LLC

Advisor to the Governor of Ivanovo region

Architect, artist

Architect, artist

Architect, head of the design team of the Wowhaus office

Co-founder of the Practice Bureau

Founder of the company «Svetisfera»

Lightway Head of Office

Partner of «Studio 44»

Architect, PhD, led the architectural workshop in the Kazakh State Architectural and Construction Academy

Chief Architect of Projects at SPIC Office
Founder of PLANT Architects

Co-founder and chief architect of the DA BUREAU

Architect, partner of the architectural bureau

Creative Producer and Curator of Generative Gallery

Head of the architectural workshop «Vitruvius and sons»

Candidate of Art Studies, Associate Professor of the Department of Art Science of SPGHPA named afterA.L. Stieglitz.
Director of Theatre and Cinema, member of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia, actor, teacher, one of the founders of Saint Petersburg «Classical Theatre»
Russian theater director, director-director of the Rostov State Musical Theatre

Head of the Department of Efficient Organization of Working Space, Chief Architect Space (included in IPG Russia)

Ambiot Sales Manager (LLC «MGK «Light Technologies»)

Designer, architect, Living Now Studio

Chief Power Engineer of the State Hermitage

Architectural critic, graduate of A.L. Stieglitz SPGHPA (former. V.I. Mukhina LVHPU)
General Director of LLC IPRO

Architectural critic, graduate of the Faculty of Theory and History of Arts SPbGAIZSA. I. E. Repin of the Russian Academy of Arts.

Expert, developer in the field of light solutions, creator of the project «Health Light», the best inventor of Moscow, honorary inventor of Europe, author of developments, patents, consultant of the Production Company «ANDI Group».
Project Manager of ATLAS. Specialist in spatial planning and development of public spaces. Developer of integrated urban and rural development plans

Director of Research Institute VITRULUX, Head of Smart and Antenna Systems of VITRULUX Group of Companies

Head of R&D and laboratory complex of VITRULUX

Light designer

Co-founder of Poisson Spot Light Design Bureau, partner of [WAVELENGTH] magazine, light designer, creative producer
Curator, art critic («Afisha», RBC, The Art Newspaper Russia), producer of cultural projects, co-founder of the Sparta Cultural Initiatives Foundation. Among the top 100 main people in Russian art according to The Art Newspaper Russia

Address: St.Petersburg, Palace Square, 6-8
09:30 – 10:00
Conference registration
(Foyer of the General Staff of the State Hermitage)
Work of the exhibition «Comfortable modern light environment» (Atrium Side Gallery)
10:00 – 10:15
Conference opening ceremony


10:15 – 11:45
Panel discussion «Increasing recognition and identity of cities through artificial light»
Moderator: Yulia Shishalova, editor-in-chief of «Project Russia»

· «Presentation of the lighting concept of Saint Petersburg (until 2030)», Elena Kramskova, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture of Saint Petersburg / Natalia Bystyantseva, Candidate of Architecture, Expert and Developer of Urban and Architectural Lighting

· «Phased Implementation of Moscow Lighting. Modern Coverage of Moscow: Tasks and Challenges», Alexander Bukatov, Deputy Director of the GDP «Mossvet»

· «Regulations as the basis of professional development of the city. Experience of Moscow», Alexander Hadzhin, chief architect of «Workshop of Light», Nikolay Shchepetkov

· «To shed light on the issues of visual diversity and safety of the urban environment in the Arctic» (video message). Anastasia Konareva, co-founder of the RCD architectural bureau, chief architect of the design code of Arctic settlements.

· «Features of work with historical and modern objects», Alexey Voronin, Sales Director of INTILED

· «Approach to UMAYA Lighting Design Integrated Lighting Solutions by Example of the Boulevard around Burj Khalifa (Downtown boulevard)», Faysal Al Haffar, Chief Lighting Designer of Umai Dubai Bureau



10:15 – 11:45
Panel discussion «How not to become a tomato»: lighting schools, higher education institutions, offices
Moderator: Alexey Danilov

· «How the design of a healthy environment affects the quality of human life», Alexey Danilov, Head of the Department of Nervous Diseases of the IPO of the First MSMU. I.M. Sechenova

· «Adaptive artificial lighting for comfortable work and health care», educational program «Light design» of the University ITMO, Svetlana Roslyakov, member of the creative association of light designers RULD

· «Burnout as the dark side of the world», Olga Hofman, associate professor, department of psychological support of professional activities of SPbSU

· «Intelligent light environment of dispatching stations and situational centers», Alexander Karev, Ph.D., Director for Science of LLC «IGC «Light Technologies»

· «Reflected LED light for transforming lighting in different types of rooms» Natalia Sterkin, the best inventor of Moscow, the honorary inventor of Europe, the winner of the TTM Prize, the author of development, patents

· «Light design in educational spaces». «Point of the Future» (Irkutsk), «School of Advanced Studies» (Tyumen), educational cluster «Sirius» (Sochi), Yulia Shakhina, Head and Partner of UNK interiors

· Lighting design for productive work. School lighting project at
MGIMO and interior lighting of the new UNK office», Alexandra Ushakova, Head of Lighting UNK

· «Light accents and lighting zoning in a modern office», Roman Zakharov, Head of the Zarya Bureau



11:45 – 13:15
Panel discussion «Digitization of light environment»
Moderator: Natalia Bystyantseva, lighting designer, expert in
Areas of Urban and Architectural Lighting

· Rashid Artikov, Member of the Presidium of the Scientific-Expert Council for Monitoring the Implementation of Legislation in the Field of Energy, Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency under the Economic Policy Committee of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Head of the working group «Import substitution for the needs of energy, housing and utilities and consumers of energy resources»

· Alexander Grimitilin, Vice-President of the National Association of Prospectors and Designers (NOPRIZ), coordinator of NOPRIZ for the North-Western Federal District, Chairman of the Digital Development Committee of NOPRIZ

· «Smart solutions for humans», Oleg Kruglov, VITRULUX

· Olga Grekova, CEO of the Association of LED and Based Systems Manufacturers (APSS)

· «Adaptive lighting management for minimization of light pollution», Alexander Karev, Ph.D., Director for Science of LLC «IGC «Light Technologies»

· «Formation of tasks and products to solve the gap between industrial technologies and the real situation of gorlight», Andrey Bogatenkov, the company «Rostelecom»

· Sergey Mityagin, Director of the Institute of Design and Urban Studies of ITMO University

· Andrey Kropotov, Chief Engineer of the Power Supply Department of the Joint-Stock Company of the Specialized developer «Rublevo-Arkhangelsk»

· «Integration of information systems of the city», Denis Zubarev, Ambiot Project Manager (included in LLC «IGC «Light Technologies»).

· «Digitalization of lighting as an effective tool for interiors of public-business spaces», Oksana Solodyankina, head of the department of efficient organization of working spaces, chief architect Space


11:45 – 13:15
Master class: «Park as an art object»
Presentation with a workshop from the group of companies «CERS» and the project «Light Laboratory» - an opportunity to strengthen the theory of practice and experiment with optical systems and light filters

· Anastasia Prikhodko, founder of the project «Light Laboratory», light designer, candidate of architecture, associate professor of Moscow Architectural Institute (MARHI)
· Maxim Reunov, Development Director of the Group of Companies «CERS»
· Valery Ovsyannikov, engineer-artist of the group of companies «CERS»



11:45 – 13:15
Panel discussion «Museum in the era of «Renaissance»: how to return the user’s interest to offline traditions
Moderator: Ksenia Loshmanova, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of MOST #1 Museum Magazine, Co-curator of the «Project Light» Program at the Exhibition of ArchMoscow'2015

· «Light and Shadow. Unity and Struggle», Alexander Isaev, Chief Power Engineer of the State Hermitage

Influence of the illumination of paintings on the involvement of visitors to the perception of the exhibits (Presentation of the results of the experiment at the Russian Museum), Valentina Aoun, Lebanon

· «What transformations do traditional types of lighting in the museum expect after the arrival of multimedia technologies?» - About the Museum of Utilities at VDNH, «Art&Science» in Novaya Tretyakov, Museum of Cryptography, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya Museum», Ksenia Lanikina, Head of the Light Design Studio YARKO-YARKO

· «Museum multimedia: between online and offline», Svetlana Biryukova, Head of the Department «Multimedia Center of the Russian Museum»

· «Immersive theatre and film practices in museums, difficulties in terms of financing and implementation», Alina Shklyarskaya, art historian, playwright

· «Technological practices and attraction of visitors to exhibition production», Natalia Fux, Head of Exhibitions Department, Polytechnic Museum

· Multisensory objects at the exhibition. Light, thermal circuit, tact in the project Cauldron of the alchemist. Tactile look and uncritical perception» in the GMII named after. A. S. Pushkin», Yevgeny Kiselev, Head of the Department of Interdisciplinary Projects of GMII named after him. Pushkin

· How to talk to a user in one language with the help of light scenography. Exhibition projects Victor Tsoy. The way of the hero» and «Balabanov», Alyona Osina, the studio of light design is.light

13:15 – 14:45
Break (lunch)


14:45 – 16:15
Discussion «Lighting parks and embankments. Health or Experience»

Moderator: Rashid Artikov, member of the Presidium of the Scientific and Expert Council for Monitoring the Implementation of Legislation in the Field of Energy, Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency under the Economic Policy Committee of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Head of the working group «Import substitution for the needs of energy, housing and utilities and consumers of energy resources»

· The effect of open sources of light on vision. Retinal damage», Ksenia Osipenko, General Director of the Group of Companies «CERS»/ Mikhail Ostrovsky, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Doctor of Biological Sciences. Specialist in physiology and pathophysiology of sight/ Ivan Novitsky, Candidate of Biological Sciences. Researcher of the Research Institute of Ocular Diseases named after Helmholtz

· «Modern lighting of natural zones and OOPT», by Alexandra Sytnikova
Head of the Bureau ATLAS/ Yulia Zharkova, General Director of the Bureau of Light Design «Culture of Light»

· «Urban Design and Competition for People», Tatiana Starchenko, Wowhaus Bureau

· «Social study of people’s preferences in lighting parks and embankments on the example of the lighting concept of Saint Petersburg», Alexander Nenko, Speaker of Helsinki

· Alexey Borodula, Deputy Director for Construction and Design of SPb of GBU «Lenz»

· Features of work in the historical environment of Derbent», Denis Chistov, bureau «Practice»

· «Illumination of public spaces. European experience», Frolov Vladimir, art critic, director of «Baltikum» publishing house



15:10 – 15:30
«The practice of combining different color temperatures in the interior of the exhibition space and in work with exhibits»: projects of museums of the Moscow Kremlin, the Moscow planetarium, the Museum of Cryptography.

Ksenia Lanikina and Valery Nemyzaev, light design studio «Yarko-Yarko»


15:30 – 16:10

«Permanent and temporary: light as space transformer». Light plots for GES-2.

Maria Gorokhodatskaya, co-founder of the light design bureau Poisson Spot, partner of the magazine [WAVELENGTH], lighting artist, creative producer



16:10 – 16:35

Lecture «How multimedia technologies change museums, spaces and cities»

Boris Kislitsin, Head of Pitch Studio


16:35 – 17:00

Ivan Nefedkin, Creative Director of Radugadesign


16:15 – 17:55
Discussion «Influence of architectural lighting on increase of popularity of the object» (Together with NP «Russian Guild of Managers and Developers» and Saint-Petersburg Union of Architects)

Moderator: Yulia Shishalova, editor-in-chief of «Project Russia»

· Man-centered lighting in the city on the example of residential complexes and public spaces. LCD «Seliger CITY», LC «Metropolis», Yulia Zharkova, General Director of the Light Design Bureau «Culture of Light»

· «Cases of offices, shopping centers and sports facilities», Alexandra Ushakova, Head of Lighting Bureau UNK

· «Design, oriented to people, on the example of the new district ZIL-South», Maxim Berlovich, vice-president of GK «Etalon»

· «Effects of the Smart Quarter Pilot Project in the Marino District in Moscow», Representative of the Information Technology Department of Moscow

· «Coverage of transport infrastructure facilities», Georgy Kelehsayev, founder of the company «Light sphere» and Teimuraz Kikalishvili, head of Lightway bureau

· «Improvement of tourist route along the northern fortress wall of Derbent», Denis Chistov, bureau «Practice»

· «The uniqueness of the architectural solution of lighting in the city space and media environment. What is the unique solution and how long does it work?» Natalia Bystyantseva, Head of the International Research Laboratory of Light Design on Integrated City Lighting Solutions

· Andrey Kropotov, Chief Engineer of the Power Supply Department of the Joint-Stock Company «Rublevo-Arkhangelsk» Specialized Developer

· «How quality architectural lighting can affect the commercial attractiveness of objects», Dmitry Zelichenok, Project Development Director INTILED



17:00 – 17:55
Round table: «Why festivals of light and what they give cities»

Moderator: Lisa Savina

· Olga Arshanskaya, general producer of the festival «Night of Light» in Gatchina

· Boris Kislitsin, Pitch Studio

· Ivan Nefedkin, founder and creative director of Radugadesign
17:55 – 18:00
Completion of the first day programme

Words from the chairman of the conference organizing committee Natalia Bystyantseva
A. L. Stieglitz Academy - Large Exhibition Hall of the Academy
Address: Saint-Petersburg, Salt Lane, 13
10:30 – 11:00
Conference registration
(Main Building of the Academy foyer)

11:00 – 12:00
Discussion: «Mutually beneficial partnership. Integration of education in the industry, development of practical research work (analysis of the best cases)»

Moderator: Natalia Bystriantseva

O. V. Veselitsky and O. V. Shirinkin, SPGHPA them. A. L. Stieglitz
N. R. Beloshenkov (Department of Research and Development) University ITMO;
Alexandra Malakhova, «Cluster SmartDisain» SPbGUPTD
· Oleg Kruglov, Deputy Director General for R&D of «Vitralyuks» LLC; Andrey Shvedov, General Director of «Vitruyuks» LLC. «Business and education view, how to find mutual understanding and why»
Andrey Muzhichkov, CEO of «Ai Pro» LLC

12:00 – 12:30
Lecture-master class «Fulkollor. Features of application in architecture and interior»
Case study

Sergey Ludwig and INTILED

12:30 – 13:15
Lecture «Light in cinema and architecture»

Alexey Rosenberg, actor, stage designer
Winner of the Moscow Festival of Advertising, Architect

13:15 – 13:45
Lecture «Light as an element of architecture. Realization in Vladimir, Saint Petersburg, Moscow»

Andrey Perlic, Head of Workshop 3 of SPIC Bureau, founder of PLANT Architects
13:45 – 14:30
Lecture «Integrated approach to humanization of light environment: design projects of Stieglitz Academy»

Ksenia Bandorina, Associate Professor of the Department of Art Studies of SPGHPA named after. A.L. Stieglitz; Elena Lekus, Architectural Critic, graduate of SPGHPA named after him. A.L. Stieglitsa (former. V.I. Mukhina LVHPU)
14:30 – 15:30
«Dubai Public Space Coverage»

Faysal Al Haffar, Downtown boulevard, Etihad museum
15:30 – 16:00
Lecture hall of the Gallery «Tsifergaus» - space of digital art on the island of New Holland
Address: St. Petersburg, nab. Admiralty Canal, 2I, house 12
11:00 – 12:00
Master-class «Combining different color temperatures in exhibition spaces»

Aledo company and light design studio «Yarko-Yarko»

12:00 – 12:30
Lecture «The role of light in the planning of public facilities»

Anton Yar-Skryabin, partner of «Studio 44»
12:30 – 13:15
Lecture «Why architectural bureau own experts in lighting design»

Julia Shakhina, UNK partner

13:15 – 13:45
Lecture «How light affects the uniqueness of public space»

Maria Romanova, chief architect and co-founder of DA bureau / Vasily Portnyagin, art director of DA bureau
13:45 – 14:30
Lecture «Light and healthy working environment»

Fedor Rachchevsky, OFFCON Bureau
14:30 – 15:30
Lecture «Strengthening the restaurant project concept with light design»

Evgenia Uzhegova, Living Now studio
15:30 – 16:00
16:00 – 16:45
Lecture «Exhibitions in the Hermitage, in the Anna Akhmatova Museum, in the Art Museum of St. Petersburg XX-XXI centuries. Light in the scenography of the exhibition»

Sergey Padalko, co-founder of «Vitruvius and sons» bureau
16:45 – 17:30
Lecture «Light: art vs function»

Maria Akhremenkova, VOX Architects partner
17:30 – 18:00
Lecture «City as Media. Light and Public Art»

Anna Smirnova, creative producer and curator of Generative Gallery - special project of Raduga Design Media Art Design Studio
18:00 – 19:30
Discussion «Copyright and business processes»

Moderator: Yulia Zharkova, CEO of «Culture of Light»
19:30 – 21:00
Big professional event «LIGHT SLAM»

With the participation of managers and leading designers of a dozen companies, lighting design studios and architectural offices

Moderator: Dmitry Nesmeyanov

Confirmed participants:
1. Andrey Muzhichkov
2. Oleg Kruglov
3. Ksenia Lanikina
4. Zharkova Yulia
5. Ulyana Vinogradova
6. Alena Osina
7. Vlad Oblosov

21:00 – 23:00
Apartment, Koktei (by appointment)

Words from title and general partners

Title partner
INTILED manufactures professional lighting systems, specializing in design and integrated solutions for facades, bridges, transport infrastructure, sports facilities, high-rise buildings and large-scale facilities. We are inspired by projects that require the development and implementation of complex lighting systems. Our special pride and the source of our experience is the many completed projects for the Sochi 2014 Olympics, the European Aquatics Championships in Kazan, the 2018 FIFA World Cup and other large-scale world events.

General Partners

Year of foundation: 2011. Team: 50+ specialists. What we do: we produce professional lighting equipment, develop and implement lighting projects. What we cover: trade objects, exhibition spaces, restaurants, bars and cafes, office spaces, residential interiors, building facades. Where we are present: sales offices in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Production sites in Russia and Asia. We produce: 60,000 lamps per year. Lighting: 100,000 sq. m of area per year. We offer only reliable equipment with high lighting and performance characteristics and a unique design.

International group of companies "Lighting Technologies"
Lighting Technologies International Group of Companies is the largest manufacturer and supplier of modern energy-efficient lighting solutions in Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union. The company also operates in the Middle East and Asia markets.

Figures and facts:
Product range - more than 9,000 modifications of lamps
Production area - 94,000 sq.m.
The authorized capital of the parent company is 300 million rubles.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation has included lighting equipment manufactured by Lighting Technologies in the List of industrial products manufactured in the Russian Federation. This document confirms that our products meet all the established criteria and are produced at our own enterprises in the territory of the Russian Federation.

VITRULUX, founded in 2004, is a Russian manufacturer of innovative lighting equipment. The company’s headquarters and production facilities are located in St. Petersburg. The company specializes in providing modern and customized lighting solutions. Thanks to years of experience and professionalism of all employees, the company can offer the most innovative and advanced products in terms of performance and design.

VITRULUX is a powerful production complex with a strong team of researchers, designers and designers. The complex consists of: mechanical processing workshop, SMD installation line, production shop of optical components, power electronics development department, painting and coating workshop, laboratory. There are also on-the-job training courses for employees. All this allows the company to develop lighting equipment for individual orders and design projects for the shortest possible time.

Group of Companies «SAROS»

The group of companies «SAROS» is one of the largest Russian manufacturers of lighting equipment for outdoor and interior lighting more than 30 years. During this time, the lamps and lighting poles produced by our holding have best established themselves not only in Russia and near abroad, but also in such countries as Germany, Great Britain, Switzerland, Finland, UAE, Singapore, etc.

The group of companies «SAROS» provides a full range of services in the field of professional street, architectural, interior, industrial and exclusive lighting. At a high professional level he performs equipment selection and design development, lighting engineering calculations of facades, interiors and landscape lighting.

The distinctive feature of the activity of the Group of companies «SAROS» is high manufacturability, innovativeness and quality of products.

The specialists of the Group of Companies «SAROS» are able to create and implement any lighting project, including unique ones. They include facilities managed by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the General Prosecutor’s Office, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, as well as a number of sports facilities, objects of historical and cultural, spiritual heritage and modern architecture.

«SAROS» is an active participant of the program of complex improvement of streets of Moscow «Moya Street», the city program on improvement of «green» territories, the program «My District», participates in the design and supply of equipment for the GUP «Moscow Metro». «SAROS» company is a designer and equipment supplier of such unique projects as «Open Government», reconstruction of the Tver overpass, VDNH, Sheremetyevo Airport, Theater Quarter, Luzhniki, BC «Academician», Park of the Northern River Station, Victory Park on Poklonnaya mountain, Park «Krasnodar», «Omsk-Arena» and many other significant objects.

Highly qualified specialists of our company with great interest are ready to solve problems in the field of organization of efficient and harmonious system of outdoor and interior lighting of objects of various complexity.

IPRO - Russian manufacturer of lighting equipment

IPRO - Russian manufacturer of lighting equipment.

It was created in 2008 by professional lighting technicians working in leading foreign companies. The company was founded in 2008.

It has its own high-tech plant.

Manufactures 500+ types of lamps developed in its own design office.

Exports products to CIS countries and far abroad - including the Middle East.

He creates complex projects of interior, outdoor and architectural lighting - from individual houses to streets, districts and cities.

It has full-time electrification crews with experience in various regions, from deserts to permafrost.

Provides the possibility of cooperation in a "single window" mode for all project activities.

IPRO provides a full cycle of work:

In-house design bureau will provide project preparation - historical and cultural expertise, TU request, concept, lighting and electrical calculations, wiring diagrams, equipment selection, fixture fixtures, fixtures fixtures, Automation, statements of work and materials, estimated documentation.

Modern production of the company strives for a full vertical integration model - IPRO is minimally dependent on external suppliers.

The company’s solutions are tested in the factory light engineering laboratory - with the use of climatic chamber, photometric laboratory, electrical test stand, IP inspection chamber.

Information Partners

  • Russian Guild of Managers and Developers

    The non-profit partnership «Russian Guild of Managers and Developers» (RGUD) is a leading public association of managers and development companies of Russia and CIS countries. As a public organization at the federal level, the RDWG pursues a targeted policy of creating an externally sustainable and transparent real estate market. The main objective of the WGD is to ensure stable growth of the Russian real estate market and create favorable conditions for increasing the professionalism of managers and developers.

    The WGD today:

    - more than 400 development and management companies;

    - more than 40 cities of Russia;

    The Russian Guild of Managers and Developers cooperates on various projects with state authorities, regional administrations, leading sector public associations. Our partners include the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Department of Industry and Infrastructure of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Moscow City Duma, the Government of Saint Petersburg, the Administration of Yekaterinburg, Perm, Novosibirsk, governments of Tver, Saratov, Kaluga, Irkutsk regions, Krasnodar region. During its existence WGD has organized and held a series of different events: meetings, seminars, round tables aimed at improving the conditions of business promotion and growth of companies participating in the market of commercial real estate. Some of them have become traditional and are held regularly. Such events, for example, include the Baikal and Christmas Summit


    Online media for architects and designers, existing since 2007. Subscribers of the site - professional audience B2B - more than 110,000 people. ARCHITIME.RU collects the most interesting buildings from all over the world of different times. In particular, special attention is paid to the insufficiently covered topic of kinetic (dynamic) architecture. The portal contains the largest library of works and biographies of famous architects. There are sections with competitions for architects and designers, with information about exhibitions, festivals, lectures, workshops, educational programs for architects and designers, etc..

  • Journal «Modern lighting technology»

    The journal is an authoritative source of professional information for electronic hardware developers, industry technical management, supply directors and a reliable marketing partner for manufacturers and distributors of electronic components..

  • Journal «Lighting Engineering»

    Scientific and Technical Journal «Lighting Engineering» is one of the oldest specialized journals in the world, founded in 1932. The magazine covers all aspects of light engineering: from visual perception to the generation of optical radiation and from light regulation to photometry (radiometry).

    The journal systematically publishes a variety of materials of authors from all over the world on issues: the development of domestic and foreign light engineering science, technology and industry; the design, installation and operation of lighting and irradiating installations of various purposes; Development and production of new lighting products; physiology of vision and light perception; photometry and radiometry; lighting materials; lighting standardization and certification; Improving labor productivity by improving artificial and natural lighting, etc.

    The journal is included in the list of VC, in the international systems of scientific citation Scopus and Web of Science, in the Russian RSCI.

  • Media ArtMoscovia

    Media ArtMoscovia - daily news of culture and art, education and charity in this field. The editorial office has been working since 2015, receiving materials from press services and representatives of ministries, departments, cultural institutions, educational organizations, publishing houses, charitable foundations, creative unions and cultural and artistic workers - musicians, artists, writers, etc. The work of the editorial board was awarded by the governmental structures of the Moscow region, the Union of Journalists, the Russian Academy of Arts, Charitable foundations and prizes in business and beauty industry for informational support of events and contribution to popularization of projects in the sphere of culture and art.


    GEO.PRO is a portal covering events of fashion, cultural and secular life of Russia and some foreign countries. It was founded in 2002. Initially, the project was engaged in photographing club events of the city and at the time of its creation was the first in Russia resource of the format of the club photo reportage. Since 2005, the portal has been positioning itself as a «fashion social network». In 2011, the company established a video department, called, shooting short reports from various events. The main activity is photo and video reporting from events related to club, secular or cultural life. is an official partner of the Runet Award, the Muse TV Award, etc.

  • Portal "City Plus"

    City Plus - Portal S.- Petersburg about his people, life, events, latest news. Photo and video reports from bright city events, fascinating reports, interviews with talented Petersburgers and useful reviews.

  • Journal «Gallery of Design and Architecture»

    The magazine «Gallery of Design and Architecture» has been published since 2002. In 2017, the publication rebranded. The updated magazine with the new name took into account all the best that was in the project, and enriched with stylish appearance, bright ideas and fresh blood. Now it is not just a catalogue of luxury and comfortable housing, but a colorful kaleidoscope of urban life, seen through the prism of the real estate and interior market. In 2018, the magazine became the organizer of the open architectural and design competition «Golden Trezzini», which is held with the support of the Consulate General of Switzerland in Saint Petersburg.

  • News portal ITMO.NEWS

    ITMO.NEWS is the news portal of ITMO, where daily materials about science, initiatives in education and new technologies are published in Russian and English. We are the first to talk about the key developments of ITMO researchers, interview leading scientists, experts in the field of education and representatives of Russian and international technology companies, write about opportunities for students and cover major city, federal and international events scientific and popular festivals, hackathons and conferences. Our audience is not only employees and students of ITMO, but all those who are interested in science, the latest trends in education and want to read just about the complex.

  • Project "Laboratory of New Media"

    The project "Laboratory of new media" (LNM) exists since 2016 on the New Stage

    Alexandrinsky Theatre is engaged in the artistic research of modern technologies in the theater: both advanced and classical media and various experimental practices existing in the area between technology and art. LPM is a place for training professionals in the arts of new media, theatre, performance and hybrid arts. Suitable for young artists and professionals, representing different fields and wishing to unite in artistic experience.

  • Internet edition "Mel"

    «Mel» is a useful and understandable publication for parents of teachers and professionals from the industry. «Mel» is not just media, but a community of all those who are interested in trends in education and upbringing. We write about everything that is related to the life of children and adults - from birth to admission to university. For us there are no minor questions. And our mission is to help teachers, parents and children understand each other better. Everything about children and their parents on

  • The newspaper «Real Estate and Construction of Petersburg»

    «Real Estate and Construction of Petersburg» - informational and analytical newspaper. Published since 1993. He is the official publisher of legal acts of the Governor of Saint Petersburg, the Government of Saint Petersburg and other executive bodies of the State Property Management Service.Editorial materials of the newspaper are intended for professionals, Real estate and construction workers, citizens who invest in residential and commercial real estate, interested in the choice and purchase of housing. The newspaper is useful for everyone who wants to be informed about developments in the real estate market and the construction of Petersburg and the region.

    WWW.NSP.RU - specialized internet portal, real estate and construction of Saint Petersburg and the Leningrad region. The project is based on the newspaper «Real Estate and Construction of Petersburg».

  • Saint-Petersburg Union of Designers

    Saint-Petersburg Union of Designers unites leading designers

    Petersburg in all directions. Participation in exhibitions, contests and exchange of experience between specialists from all over the world, allows the members of the union to be aware of all modern trends and tendencies of development of Russian and foreign design. The unique form of association of professionals best meets the needs in the selection of a narrow specialist, and in the formation of a team to solve the most difficult tasks.

  • Magazine «Expert Northwest»

    Magazine «Expert North-West» - business analytics magazine dedicated to problems of the region’s economy, economic policy of the authorities, interesting experience of companies. The journal provides an analysis of current economic processes, industry market reviews, regularly published ratings of the largest companies in the region, as well as lists of the most influential and successful entrepreneurs.

  • Magazine «Cultural Capital»

    «Cultural Capital» - glossy magazine of cultural and educational and informational-entertainment direction, telling about the special character of Leningrad-Saint Petersburg.

  • Bezhko

    Bezhko has been designing and manufacturing lighting systems and installations for residential and public spaces since 2012. Innovative designer lamps are assembled manually, detail to detail, carefully and painstakingly, from components of the highest quality.

    The mission of the company is to create a unique light accent around which emotions, dreams, rejoice and create.

    The aim of the company is to illuminate the space with functionality and aesthetic delight for a long time.

    Combining the latest technologies and high-quality design, engineers and designers have developed a range of frame LED lamps. Lamps perfectly cope with the functions of decorative lighting, creating a unique atmosphere, and, at the same time, due to their characteristics, are able to illuminate spaces, being the main sources of light. Thanks to the first-class design, lamps can fit into almost any interior.

    Bezhko is a complete cycle of light objects creation:

    Design from leading Russian practicing designers

    Engineering development based on the company’s capacities

    Full production cycle in Saint Petersburg

    Specially designed patented equipment

    Manual assembly

  • MarketMedia

    MarketMedia is an analytical resource about business for entrepreneurs, top managers and company managers. MarketMedia publications focus on retail, retail real estate, restaurant business, etc. MarketMedia - new ideas for business development, interesting cases of Russian and foreign companies, analytics, ratings, opinions, reviews. The heroes of the materials and the audience of MarketMedia are entrepreneurs, top managers and experts who have achieved success in their business. MarketMedia is a multi-channel platform: materials are published on the website, on social networks and distributed through the subscribers database via mailing lists. MarketMedia organizes about fifty business events annually: round tables, conferences, panel discussions, business breakfasts, prizes and competitions.

  • Journal «Baltic Project»

    The magazine PROJECT BALTIJA is dedicated to architecture, urbanism and design of North-West Russia and the Baltic States. The geography of the publication is based on the long-standing cultural and economic ties that permeate the region. International, but not global format allows to analyze any architectural or design object in a broad - «Baltic» - context. THE BALTIC PROJECT is published four times a year in Russian and English and distributed in all the countries listed

  • Portal «Reasonable Real Estate»

    Portal «Reasonable Real Estate» is a highly specialized, unique information resource about the real estate of Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad region. All market participants can use the services of the portal: buyers, developers, real estate agencies. We strive to provide the readers of the portal only useful, verified information about all changes and trends in the industry from the first hand. Buyers and sellers can find on the resource detailed information about the transaction, its stages, legal nuances and subtleties of equity agreements, get advice from leading realtors, lawyers, notaries of Saint Petersburg.

    Our portal provides developers and real estate agencies with the opportunity to communicate to their potential clients meaningful information about their projects and legislative changes.

  • Online information publication «MK in Peter»

    Online information publication «MK in Peter»

    Public Information Portal. is always author, independent,

    Emotional look at events. Circulation of more than 55 thousand copies. Periodicity -

    weekly. Attendance - 4.15 million. Depth of views: 1.45. Average

    Viewing time: 1.09 min

    Business News Agency

  • Business News Agency

    Business News Agency - a place of working meetings, round tables, seminars and press conferences with the participation of representatives of the authorities, business and cultural elite and journalists. Attendance: 8.23 million.

  • Neva.Today Online Newspaper

    The online newspaper Neva.Today is an electronic media outlet dedicated to interesting and detailed information about the most important news and events taking place in Saint Petersburg and Leningrad region. The resource highlights problems and innovations in important segments of SPb infrastructure and areas - economy, politics, transport, society. Attendance: 2.6 million.

  • «Project Russia»

    Leading professional journal on architecture, urban planning, construction technologies and design in Russia.

    Published since 1995 in Moscow, 4 times a year, in Russian and English

    Circulation: 5,500 copies

    Distributed throughout Russia, CIS countries, abroad

    Available in electronic form

    Audience - architecture professionals: architects, designers, designers

    4 numbers = 4 yearbooks

    «City» - implemented projects for urban areas: urban development, landscape architecture and residential areas

    «Interiors» - public/commercial/private interiors

    «Buildings» - realized buildings

    «Paper/ Old and New/ Redevelopment/ Large Projects» - topics vary depending on relevance

    In each room:

    30 best projects according to the opinion of the international jury in the selected topic-typology

    thematic reviews of current architectural trends by selected typology

    the latest construction technologies

    author’s columns and interviews

    «Journal in the journal» - theoretical and practical research on the current topic

    Russian analogue the most complete library of the best Russian architectural projects

    interviews, analytics, reviews, authorship columns

    Special projects («Project Light», «Color of Russian Architecture», «Office of the Future», «How to design an ideal residential area», etc.)

    navigator for architectural and construction materials and technologies

    announcements and reports with the most interesting thematic events

  • Production company «ANDI Group»

    Production company «ANDI Group», Russian manufacturer of innovative developments in the field of lighting, energy saving, offers innovative modern lighting fixtures and lighting solutions, making this world brighter.

    The fundamental principle of our innovative activity in the field of lighting is the production of reflected light systems «HEALTH LIGHT», equipped with high-quality components, for creating a comfortable light environment for work and leisure. The offered products are high-quality innovative high-luminosity reflective light systems (over 1100 Lc) using the technology patented in Russia and abroad, providing reflective uniform diffused shadowless light, close to natural solar. Thanks to the unique design and the new lighting principle, we have a professional comfortable light that has a positive impact on human health. High energy efficiency and maximum manufacturability ensure optimum price-quality ratio, guarantee maximum light efficiency with minimal energy consumption, long service life of lamps.

  • Portal

    Portal - is a unique architectural online resource covering architectural events in Petersburg, Russia and abroad. The portal is aimed at providing information to professionals in the field of architecture and related fields. All sections of the site are regularly updated and supplemented.

    The main idea of the agency is to give young novice students an opportunity to get acquainted with the experience of famous architects, to integrate future architects into the world creative process, therefore, both on the site and in the almanac «Architectural seasons in Petersburg» Presented exclusive publications of theorists and practitioners on one of the many topical problems of development of Petersburg.

    The system of interconnected portal sites is always open to place portfolio of creative workshops, beginners of cities and regions, interesting and relevant projects and thematic blogs. The portal covers all competitions and conferences, lectures and festivals, forums and exhibitions held both in the city of Neva and in other cities and countries devoted to architectural themes. The portal carries out targeted electronic distribution of architectural news to everyone.

    We help stakeholders to better understand architecture through thematic articles. The portal is a platform of professional communication of famous and novice architects.

Perks of attending the conference

All lighting design trends in just 2 days
Knowledge and experience exchange within a professional community
Practical cases to solve challenging questions
Famous speakers and experts opinions
Like-minded community communication
Improvement of professional skills
Entertainment program

Government and business officials
Architects and lightning designers, engineers, urban planners, multimedia specialists and artists
Professors, scientists and students

On October 6-7, 2016 in St. Petersburg (Vvedensky Hotel) an international scientific and practical conference "Light Design - 2016" was held. The event brought together leading Russian and foreign experts in the field of lighting design, architecture, lighting technologies, multimedia, culture, art and scenography.

The event has become an open international platform for finding new ideas, methods and tools for working with light, and also brought together experts from various professional fields to develop a competitive lighting design market and promising areas of science, technology, art, and business. The format of the event included panel discussions, round tables, workshops, lectures open to the city on the New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theatre.

In addition to the lecture program, the guests of the conference were treated to a mini-exhibition of light installations. One of the interactive artifacts was OBJECT-JF44-553 by Taras Mashtalir, composer and producer of Sonic Artist, creator of sound sculptures and soundtracks for films and animation, music for advertising and international TV programs. The international conference "Light Design - 2016" was closed by the first warm-up event in the history of Russia of the global convention of lighting designers PLDC and the awarding of the winners of the annual competition of light installations "Light: manipulation or motivation".

The headliners of the conference were: Roger Narboni, Matthias Rauterberg, Jari Vuorinen, Christine Neidlinger, Andreas Schultz, Joachim Ritter, Sergey Mitelev, German Gavrilov, Denis Astakhov, Taras Mashtalir, Yuri Didevich.
On October 12-13, 2017, the fourth international scientific and practical conference "Light Design - 2017" was held on the New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater. The event brought together leading Russian and foreign experts in the field of lighting design, architecture, art, urbanism, engineering, IT, multimedia technologies and smart fashion. The conference was aimed at implementing the development strategy of St. Petersburg as the center of light culture in Russia.

In 2017, the conference was attended by 540 people. These are participants from 14 cities from 7 federal districts of Russia, as well as foreign speakers and participants from 10 countries: Germany, Brazil, USA, Thailand, Great Britain, France, Finland, Italy, Denmark, Estonia.

The two-day conference included lectures, master classes, presentations and panel discussions with the participation of leading Russian and foreign experts, scientists, representatives of authorities, public and city structures.

Also, as part of the main program, cultural and educational events were held for residents and guests of St. Petersburg, aimed at developing light culture and increasing knowledge in the field of light, multimedia technologies, Art & Science and audiovisual art.

In particular, the premiere performances of the Russian Engineering Theater AKHE (October 11, 14) with the use of media technologies and the participation of outstanding Russian musicians Vladimir Volkov and Vyacheslav Gaivoronsky. Screening of the interactive installation Obsession, world-famous for research in the field of narrative media and enactive cinema, by Finnish scientist, director, actress and CEO of the production company Oblomovies Pia Tikki (October 12-13). A mini-exposition of interactive installations made at the Art & Science Institute of ITMO University. Among the art objects is the installation Stella, jointly with St. Petersburg sound producer and media artist Taras Mashtalir.

On November 1–2, 2019, the V International Scientific and Practical Conference "Light Design" was held in St. Petersburg. The event has become an open discussion platform for representatives of the world of science, business, art and innovative technologies, bringing together leading Russian and foreign experts in the field of lighting design, architecture, multimedia culture, lighting engineering, urbanism and IT.
More than 500 delegates from different countries of the world and regions of Russia took part in the conference. The first day of the conference, November 1, was held jointly with the State Hermitage at the General Staff Building and was dedicated to the development of a smart lighting environment in cities and interactive spaces — museums, exhibition and gallery spaces. Conference participants were able to attend lectures by leading Russian and foreign experts. Among them - Doctor of Engineering, architect and lighting designer Henrika Pihlajaniemi, a researcher at the Finnish University of Oulu. Denis Astakhov, an experiential director, creative multimedia producer and founder of Avocado Toast, shared his experience in the field of immersive communications.
The second day of the conference, November 2, was held in the creative space of the ARCHCLUB on the territory of Sevcable Port under the slogan "Professional Transformation". The program of the day included a round table with the participation of leading designers, culturologists and representatives of progressive design schools, and a presentation of the innovative international project LIGHT4HEALTH, implemented by ITMO University together with five world partner universities. At the end of the conference, a major professional event Light Slam took place with the participation of the leaders and founders of a dozen design firms and lighting design studios. The experts spoke about the challenges they had to face in the implementation of specific lighting solutions. Among the speakers of the event were Uliana Vinogradova (IntiLED), Yulia Zharkova (Culture of Light), Sergey Rylov (Saros), Dmitry Burov (&light), Ivan Vasilev (LightDesignProject). The final chord was the evening reception in honor of the closing of the conference with dynamic lighting.




      Location of the Conference